Boko to drop Ministers who fail 100 days test

Ketumile Ramatiti1 month ago80277 min
  • Duma Boko and his Cabinet Ministers sprint towards 100 days election promise
  • He has instructed Ministers, PS’s to have a practical work plan to convince people
  • Ministers will be assessed after 100 days to see if they add value in Boko’s admin
  • If Ministers fail this litmus test, reshuffle is coming; or at worst they will be dropped
  • Boko has cautioned Ministers, Civil servants from labelling others BDP members

President Duma Boko is setting a brisk pace for his Cabinet Ministers as they approach the pivotal 100-day mark of their election commitments. To ensure they fulfill these promises, he has mandated that both Ministers and Permanent Secretaries devise concrete work plans to win public confidence. Each Minister’s contribution will be scrutinized after this period, and those who fail to demonstrate value will face either a reshuffle or dismissal.

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